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Writing and Blogging

Cheryl's Musings: Writing and Blogging

Cheryl's Musings

How to Thrive on the Writer's Road


Writing and Blogging

Sometimes, I can't figure out how my blog and non-blog writing relate. That is, when my current WIP is going really well, I hate stopping to work on anything else--like blogging and laundry--because I don't want to interrupt the flow. When my current WIP isn't going well, I hate to stopping to work on anything else--like blogging and laundry--because I only pursue non-WIP writing after I've accomplished something in the world of my WIP.

Makes you wonder how I ever manage to blog, doesn't it?!

Most of my blog posts come to me somewhere in that place in between perfect flow and perfect block: you know, when you're getting something accomplished, but your brain is ready to be distracted--I mean, rest--by doing something else. I'll be researching dangers to llama herders in the Peruvian highlands...and have a sudden blog post inspiration. Or I'll finish one chapter but haven't quite geared up to tackle the next, and a blog post inspiration will hit.

Sigh. I wish I could schedule inspiration for blog posts to show up when they won't interrupt my other work and vice-versa.

Anyways, the reason posts have been rather scant is that I've been madly writing the first draft of my current WIP, the oh-so-creatively-titled Peru Book. I'm currently on p. 176 and very happy with where it's going...but even when you're on a writing roll, it takes time to write an entire novel, so my writing roll is interfering with my blog.

There. Now you know. The blog-o-sphere comes second to mad forward progress on my WIP. Don't worry, though--I'm sure I'll slow down soon. If for no other reason, I'll have to reach the book's end eventually!!

:) Cheryl



At March 2, 2009 at 4:07 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I use blogging to get myself into gear for's my warm-up before I start working on my WIP.

At March 2, 2009 at 8:35 PM , Blogger Yat-Yee said...

I love how you described it: between perfect flow and perfect block.

At March 4, 2009 at 8:44 PM , Blogger Cheryl Reif said...

Blogging is such a weird thing for me. I think my topic ideas dump into my mind in packages of 5-10, usually when I'm supposed to be doing something else (like listening to a boring presentation, working past a block in my WIP, doing the know!)

As for using it as a warm-up--that works for me sometimes. But since I mentally group blogging in with my other Internet activities (reading others' blogs, posting comments, and critiquing manuscripts on the Authonomy website--my other big time sink) means that 20 minutes of blogging usually turns into two hours...or three...and then I don't have writing time left! Ah, to learn the skill of moderation :).


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