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How a Writer Goes Camping…

Cheryl's Musings: How a Writer Goes Camping…

Cheryl's Musings

How to Thrive on the Writer's Road


How a Writer Goes Camping…

She stops at her local thrift store to pick up some inexpensive camping togs...


...then hits REI to stock up on her camping supplies...

...and finally visits Staples to purchase pens and notebooks. Because how can you camp without writing materials?

I'll be out of town for a few days to camp with my dad, who has been trying for years to get me to join him on his annual hunting trip in the Colorado mountains. He knows his daughter: it'll make a great story, Cheryl, says he. Blatant bribery.

But I guess it worked, because I'm going! :) It's good to have a dad.

:D Cheryl

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