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The Week’s (Weeks’) Tweets on how to bypass roadblocks and WRITE THE STORY!

Cheryl's Musings: The Week’s (Weeks’) Tweets on how to bypass roadblocks and WRITE THE STORY!

Cheryl's Musings

How to Thrive on the Writer's Road


The Week’s (Weeks’) Tweets on how to bypass roadblocks and WRITE THE STORY!

WTS=Write the Story! Why? Because it's fun—rewarding—excruciating—fulfilling—and ultimately cheaper than therapy :) Happy writing!


WTS 75: Set small writing goals for "stolen moments".

Awesome series on creative blocks and how to tackle them at LATERAL ACTION:

Finally, I have the excuses I needed to become a bookstore employee: (I already handsell children's lit on each visit!)

WTS 76: Need ideas? Take a creativity nap. Find a cozy spot, a pen & paper, and a story question and drift to answers.

WTS 77: If your productivity lags, try setting a deadline for yourself. Ever notice how we can hit deadlines at "real" jobs? Same idea!

Visit MEN WITH PENS for an inspirational read titled "How to Improve Your Writing"

I think I'm channeling Meg's mom from Wrinkle in Time: mixed glue and dried beans in a pie tin during dinner prep 2nite (craft inspiration)!

SCBWI members: log onto SCBWI website and paste in this link for info about Rocky Mtn Chap's 2010 scholarship: http://

Wisdom from author Linda Rohrbaugh, #PPWC 2010: Even a poor plan, properly executed, will work. it's all in the execution. #writingtips

Inspiration from bestselling author @jodithomas: "Are you a wishbone, a jawbone, or a backbone" when it comes to writing? #writing

If you haven't yet,check out Elizabeth Gilbert's (Eat, Pray, Love) TED talk on creativity:

@amyfries writes on how Mind Wandering Enhances Creative Problem Solving:

WTS 78: There's nothing like extended time with other writers, editors, and agents to inspire and grow you as a writer

:) Cheryl

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