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The Week’s Tweets on how to dodge subconscious blocks and WRITE THE STORY

Cheryl's Musings: The Week’s Tweets on how to dodge subconscious blocks and WRITE THE STORY

Cheryl's Musings

How to Thrive on the Writer's Road


The Week’s Tweets on how to dodge subconscious blocks and WRITE THE STORY

chipmunk_creativecommons WTS=Write the Story!

WTS 33: Does mood affect creativity? Research suggests recovery from depression, not depression, inspires creativity.

WTS 34: More on mood/creativity relationship: One study shows both positive and negative moods spark creativity

In other words:happy or sad people more creative, relaxed or angry people less so. And playing a video game can spark creativity

...and for another take on creativity and mood, see, which claims a sad writer is a careful writer.

WTS 35: Feeling stuck? Take a long walk, with pen and paper or a voice recorder for when inspiration strikes.

WTS 36: Create an inspirational playlist. What music does your character like? What music reflects your character’s mood?

WTS 37: Play a “background sounds” CD of waves, birds, a crackling fire, etc., to help create the right mood for writing a particular scene.

* Photo courtesy of Giles Gunthier, Flickr Commons

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At December 16, 2009 at 4:54 PM , Blogger mirrorsandmagicfrogs said...

I would definitely agree with this. When I'm REALLY pissed off, I can open up a document and be REALLY mean to one of my villains. :-D Then I feel a tad better.

At December 17, 2009 at 11:38 AM , Blogger Cheryl Reif said...

Ha! I believe it! Never thought of it that way :).


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